

Friday, October 17, 2008


Well, guess who it is. It's me Bigdog! Coming to you live from the Internet. Now, one thing I want to talk about is smart boards. This new piece of technology is sweeping all schools of the nation and making learning science more fun. The smart board is a fully featured interactive white board system and transmit the picture from the computer to a monitor, and then displayed on the board. Now, not only is this very cool but it will make learning science a whole lot easier. For example, right before you do a dissection you can do it on the smart board and see what you will be doing when you actually do it. you can also connect to the internet and broadcast your lessons to promote learners or simply publish your work to a sever for archiving and later use. So, as you now clearly see from my awesome lecture smartboards are in and blackboards are out.

Work cited-

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